Event Support

Ecocity World Summit

The Ecocity World Summit (7th International Ecocity Conference) convened an international community of leaders addressing of the world’s built environment with thoughtful long-range solutions that are truly sustainable, ecologically healthy and socially just. GCI produced The Future of Urban Information Technologies panel and produced the “Ecocity” Digital Be-In 16 as a partner event on April 25.

Green Festivals
San Francisco, CA

Developed program for Spring Green Festival including expert speakers, workshops and panels, including: Complementary Currencies: Alternative Exchange Systems for Sustainable Wealth; Shaping the Big Vision: Building a Green Bay Area; Drivers of Change: The Business Case for Protecting the Climate; Financial Incentives for Going Green in San Francisco; Economic Relationships for Social Transformation – The Mondragón Model of Worker Ownership; Green Building and Sustainable Design; Building a Sustainable Food System in the Bay Area..

Burning Man
San Francisco, CA

Pro-bono consulting for greening the event production organization and educating the participant community about “Greening the Burn”

Past Events

Temple, 540 Howard Street, San Francisco

The Digital Be-In is a platform for new ideas, initiatives, and change, located at the nexus of humanistic technology and the sustainability movement. An evolutionary journey of visionary speakers, presentations, exhibits, performances, live music, top DJs, visuals, art installations, and amazing people.

Digital Be-In 15: BIOMIMICRY

Mezzanine, 444 Jessie Street, San Francisco

Digital Be-In 15 was a launching pad for sustainability initiatives that matter, happening on Earth Day weekend, with an integrated parallel event in the Second Life online virtual world.

Califia Bay Area Eco-City 2015:
Open Community Summit
California Institute of Integral Studies, 1453 Mission Street, San Francisco

Over 90 representatives from various organizations took part in the “visioning process” for Califia, the Green Century Institute’s proposed 10,000-person Bay Area EcoCity – as our region’s sustainable development epicenter.

Digital Be-In 14: PLANET CODE

SOMARTS Gallery, 934 Brannan Street, San Francisco The Earth Day Be-In celebrated the further evolution of the digital revolution: building a sustainable culture. It was a combination symposium, exhibition, rally, and multimedia entertainment extravaganza featuring a range of presentations focused on sustainability solutions, with some of San Francisco’s top “conscious music” acts, DJs, and visual and performance artists.

The United Nations World Environment Day 2005

The Green Century Institute was honored to be involved with World Environment Day 2005, including co-producing six events during the historic environmental summit.

Green City Solutions Exhibit

Redesigning Metropolis: Ecology, Community and the Greening of the City

Green City Models: Auroville & Califia

Eco Visionary Summit at Fort Mason Firehouse

GCI and Synergy Developers Consortium at Green Cities Expo

Inspiring Sustainable Culture: An International Symposium

Produced by World Environment Day 2005, Natural World Museum, and Green Century Institute
Festival Pavilion, Fort Mason, San Francisco

United Nations World Environment Day

An Evening with Bernard Lietaer: Sustainable economics

Green Spirit Dance

Arcosanti, Arizona, USA

GCI Salons
A forum for education, networking and enjoyment. The Green Century Institute hosts a series of Salons to bring experts and visionaries in Sustainable Development to San Francisco to engage in interactive strategizing and knowledge sharing.

Special Green Century Auroville Salon in India!

Pitanga Hall

Auroville/Califia Green Century Salon

Festival Culture and Intentional Communities

Globlal Intercommunity Networking

Financing Strategies for Sustainable Communities

Bay Area Microcommunities

Green Community Salon/Rally with SF Green Mayoral Candidate Matt Gonzalez

Green Century Salon #2 – Roundtable with Duane Elgin
Green Century Salon #1 – Roundtable with Kevin Danaher and Huey